Make the World great again
Share one of the best gifts you’ve ever received. Nature is the best gift we received so take very care of and make our World great again….
Binary exploit
Write about your first computer. It was an Atari1040ST with a seq24 program…Midi bar séquencer and a monochrome crt no sampling but midi in and out. Was an totally exploit for my musically fantaisies. My midi modules :Roland sampler and Korg X5 by the Hand….
À newton World
What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it? To move this World to do something extraordinary like explore new places without trashing or invasif population . My motivation to do that is a presice idéa which is réalisable if Almost all of the humanity invest in Time….other Words with science….
Without Sputniks
In what ways do you communicate online? But on sure channels to assure a good and healthy signal .I will not citate names .i have choosen some knals….
Make the World sound again
On the bluePlanet we have oscillations that reverbs in every corner…Let you plane by good sounds and relax ….
Tell us one thing you hope people say about you. Hope people say about me: this Guy makes interstellar music which is heard even in deep Space where physical laws are restricted….
Japan impact
What’s your favorite cartoon? I like all Ghiblis .In fact the history behind …Or what me makes beat my heart is Lucky Luke too…
My Shirt
What are your two favorite things to wear? The only one is available here:
Bisness is not Buisness
What technology would you be better off without, why? All that pseudo A.I. That exists on the market . …Derivals with ChatGPT integrated that writes your letters in any form . Or programms that takes décisions alone….Take care on fake apps and take a pertinent décision which programs you use….
What’s the first impression you want to give people? I’m a pour Lonesome SpaceWalker. i’m walking alone around in Space . Timeless spins from Galaxy into another. Discover New Places in the Universe and floating like the Space Vehicle of StarTrek….