My Dream Home a Squadron Alpha lightweight Rocking-chair with 16 mini solid fuel thrusters on the backside. At the same Time my Home and Car , à sort of mobile Home for Space application….
My dream home would be on an asteroid whizzing through the infinite reaches of the space time continuum.
Happy Sunday now bang the rocks together and visit
Give me Your coordonates of Your Asteroid in Dreams and I will Visite you one day…. Take you there is more complicated Then my chair is Single Place so sorry….Happy Sunday too
Just catapulted my self through the horse head nebula, amazing view. We can meet on the other side. Your chair is your mode of transport your imagination is your ignition. Now ignite your imagination lay back in your chair and meet at the other side of infinity.
It’s there just waiting.
My dream home would be on an asteroid whizzing through the infinite reaches of the space time continuum.
Happy Sunday now bang the rocks together and visit
Give me Your coordonates of Your Asteroid in Dreams and I will Visite you one day…. Take you there is more complicated Then my chair is Single Place so sorry….Happy Sunday too
Just catapulted my self through the horse head nebula, amazing view. We can meet on the other side. Your chair is your mode of transport your imagination is your ignition. Now ignite your imagination lay back in your chair and meet at the other side of infinity.
It’s there just waiting.