Golden records
Share a story about the furthest you’ve ever traveled from home. At this Time it was the edge of interstellar space….in the meantime to voyage this long route I Ve listen to the golden record of Losw:
Ladidada Je suis un Lonesome Spacewalker …
D’ou vient votre nom? LoSW egale Lonesome SpaceWalker .Plus de moi a venir….
Ladidada Ich bin ein interessanter einsamer Spacewalker …
Von wo kommt Ihr name? LoSW egal Lonesome SpaceWalker mehr kommt von mir…..
Ladidada I’m a poor Lonesome Spacewalker …
Where did your name come from? Losw equals Lonesome Spacewalker more has yet to come….
What motivates you? Seed pearls of music a little bit everywhere on earth…Seeds
Hoch herausragen
Welche Änderung auf Ihrem Blog nehmen sie vor um die Welt zu verändern? Alle kennen den kleinen Astronauten, der im grossen Weltall herumreist. Teilen tut er alles was Ihm am Herzen liegt, ausser sein Werkzeug ( sehr kompliziert aber nützlich), da Er es verloren hat…
Faire la difference
Quel changement feriez vous sur votre blog, pour changer l’avis des lecteur de ce dernier? Toutlemonde connait ce petit Astronaut qui voyage dans l’espace infini. Il partage tous qu’il possède exempt son outil (compliqué mais utile) perdue…
To stand out
What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? Everybody knows the Little Astronaut who’s travelling in deep Space in this Moment. He is sharing everything he has exept his tool ( not shaped out of stone but usefull) because it was lost….
Stars and Heaven
What are you curious about? Curious about Galaxies and other celestial Bodys in outer space …like Stars and Heaven. At the same Time i’ll search my lost tool which has disappeared in the void of cosmos in the 90ies .More information in my About section have a Nice day….
R.I.P. Robert
If you could bring back one dinosaur, which one would it be? It’s definitively Bob Moog with his Modular Synth…