Ladidada Ich bin ein interessanter einsamer Spacewalker …
Von wo kommt Ihr name? LoSW egal Lonesome SpaceWalker mehr kommt von mir…..
Hoch herausragen
Welche Änderung auf Ihrem Blog nehmen sie vor um die Welt zu verändern? Alle kennen den kleinen Astronauten, der im grossen Weltall herumreist. Teilen tut er alles was Ihm am Herzen liegt, ausser sein Werkzeug ( sehr kompliziert aber nützlich), da Er es verloren hat…
Space Ballade
Gib den Ohren eine chance
My biggest challenge is…
What are your biggest challenges? ….Flying to rocksolid planets Like Mercury or gasous Like Jupiter in one day . Riding on my Rocking-chair makes me happy in 2024….
Friendship with benefits
What relationships have a positive impact on you? For me a good relationship is when someone give and take …. Not Even Material .Thoughts and Tricks in exemple or simply the Understanding of each other….
All I can say :Space between
You get to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What’s it like? Lost for writing and Reading in Space it’s Not my thing….but writing on my Rocking chair from outer Space yes .So I can Go everywhere and redige my pearls in the Universe….
Today —>Carpe Diem
When are you most happy? Every voyage I made to planets in the Universe is in the present .The Peak of Happiness is at this Moment . I enjoy every Moment at this Day, this Hour and this second…
Walk trough the christmas tree Cluster
What was the last thing you did for play or fun? It tooks me 2500 light-years to arrive here,but the Journey is it worth ….between christmas Balls Illuminated by hydrogène …. A Little Bit warmth in the Season of Snow the Fire glows in my destination greetings and my best Wisches Lose
Our 4. Dimension
Do you need time? The question is Not need it or Not , for me … More … use it .Because i live in the présent so the Term of use of Time is More adequate…. I will explain it further with a Postcard from the Universe….stay tuned
What’s something you believe everyone should know. It have Life on other Planets…. In forms More sophisticated than on ours…believe it or Not but we will find it out….