Monthly Archives: November 2024

What are your two favorite things to wear? The only one is available here:

What technology would you be better off without, why? All that pseudo A.I. That exists on the market . …Derivals with ChatGPT integrated that writes your letters in any form . Or programms that takes décisions alone….Take care on fake apps and take a pertinent décision which programs you use….

What’s the first impression you want to give people? I’m a pour Lonesome SpaceWalker. i’m walking alone around in Space . Timeless spins from Galaxy into another. Discover New Places in the Universe and floating like the Space Vehicle of StarTrek….

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I will swim in ammonia sea near Jupiter like i Swim in the lake geneva from times to times….this are two places i like and will stay ….

What are your favorite websites? It’s Music nonstop hear at Spacewalker or directly at that’s my favorites…
