Monthly Archives: July 2023

How would you describe yourself to someone? Explorational and Eclectic. But à Little bit mysterios …do you know me more now?

If you won two free plane tickets, where would you go? Apologysing thé travels that Losw effects :wanna have some Tickets to (588)Achille an Asteroid Trojan of Jupiter thanx to procure two Tickets….

LoSW alias Lonesome Spacewalker is a Little Astronaut wich has accidentally lost his Tool in Space and actually search it everywhere bereden Earth and outet Héliosphère… What’s the story behind your nickname?

Ich habe meine neue Seite überarbeitet

Ma Page est complètement renouvelée. Surtout ma Page Media avec des nouvelles musique a écouter…

Go thru all my new Menu’s especially my Media Page. My Site overhaul and new Music to listen from LoSW artist’s Page
